Skin Tissue Microarray

Tissue Microarray | Skin

Cat No. Sort descending Description Total Cases Total Cores Price
KIN181a Malignant melanoma and benign nevus tissue microarray, single core per case. TNM Classification and Clinical stage information available. Replacing SK181. 18 18 $85.00
KIN211b Skin carcinoma tissue microarray with normal tissue, 4 cores per case, divided into two identical 12 core arrays for testing different antibody dilutions. Pathology grade, TNM Classification and Clinical stage information available. Replacing T211a. 6 24 $55.00
KIN241a Skin carcinoma tissue microarray with normal tissue. 2 cores per case. Pathology grade, TNM Classification and Clinical stage available. Replacing T241. 12 24 $65.00
KIN242 kin tumor tissue micro array with normal tissue. 10 cases of skin tumor type, 2 cases of normal tissue, 2 cores per case. Pathology grade, TNM Classification and Clinical stage available. Replacing T212. 12 24 $65.00
KIN242a Skin carcinoma tissue microarray with NAT, 10 cases of skin carcinoma, 2 cores per case. Pathology grade, TNM, and Clinical stage available. Replacing SK242. 12 24 $65.00
KIN242b Skin carcinoma tissue microarray with NAT, 10 cases of skin carcinoma. 2 cores per case. Pathology grade, TNM Classification and Clinical stage and IHC marker (Ki-67, CK) results available. Replacing KIN242a. 12 24 $65.00
KIN243 Skin tumor tissue microarray. 4 cores per case. Pathology grade, TNM Classification and Clinical stage information available. 6 24 $65.00
KIN461 Skin tumor with matched NAT (2018 WHO classification), 2 cores per case. Pathology grade, TNM Classification and Clinical stage (AJCC 7th edition) information available. Replacing KIN242a. 23 46 $170.00
KIN481a Skin carcinoma tissue microarray with normal adjacen tissue. 12 cases of skin carcinoma. 2 cores per case. Pathology grade, TNM Classification and Clinical stage and IHC marker (Ki-67, CK5/6) results available. ReplacingSK481. 22 48 $170.00
KIN481b Skin carcinoma tissue microarray with NAT. 12 cases of skin carcinoma , 2 cores per case. Pathology grade, TNM and Clinical stage available. Replacing SK481a. 22 48 $170.00
KIN503 Skin squamous cell carcinoma and normal skin tissue. 41 cases of squamous cell carcinoma, 9 cases of normal skin tissue, single core per case. Pathology grade, TNM Classification and Clinical stage (AJCC 7th edition) information available. 50 50 $170.00
KIN801d Skin squamous cell carcinoma with normal skin tissue, single core per case. Pathology grade, TNM Classification, and Clinical stage and IHC marker (Ki-67, CK5/6) results available 80 80 $255.00
KIN801e Skin squamous cell carcinoma with normal skin tissue, single core per case. Pathology grade, TNM Classification, and… 80 80 $255.00
KIN802c Skin squamous cell carcinoma with normal skin tissue, single core per case. Pathology grade, TNM Classification, and Clinical stage and IHC marker (Ki-67, CK5/6) result available. Replacing SK802b. 80 80 $255.00
KIN802d Skin squamous cell carcinoma with normal skin tissue and normal adjacen tissue, single core per case. Pathology grade, TNM Classification, and Clinical stage available. Replacing 802c. 80 80 $255.00
ME1002a Malignant melanoma tissue microarray with normal tissue, 2 cores per case.TNM classification and Clinical stage information available. Replacing ME1002. 50 100 $290.00
ME242d Malignant melanoma and skin tissue microarray, containing 12 cases of malignant melanoma and 12 cases of cancer adjacent or normal adjacent tissue, single core per case. TNM classification and Clinical stage information available. 24 24 $55.00
MEL501 Multiple sites of malignant melanoma with skin tissue microarray (2018 WHO classification), single core per case. TNM classification and Clinical stage (AJCC 7th edition) information available. 50 50 $135.00
MME1002c Malignant melanoma with skin tissue microarray, containing 45 cases of malignant melanoma, 1 case of NAT, 4 cases of skin tissue, 2 cores per case. TNM classification, Clinical stageinformation available. Replacing ME1002b. 100 100 $290.00
MME1004i Malignant melanoma, metastatic malignant melanoma, and nevus tissue microarray. Single-core per case. TNM classification, Clinical stage information available. Replacing MME1004h. 100 100 $295.00
MME1004j Malignant melanoma, metastatic malignant melanoma, and nevus tissue microarray, single core per case. TNM… 100 100 $295.00
MME241 Malignant melanoma test tissue microarray, containing 10 cases of malignant melanoma and 2 case of normal skin tissue, 2 cores per case. TNM classification and Clinical stage information available. 12 24 $85.00
MME242a Malignant melanoma test tissue microarray, including 6 cases of malignant melanoma, 4 cores per case, arranged in 4 small square of array (2x3) for optimizing experimental conditions. TNM classification and Clinical stage information available. 6 24 $55.00
MME242b Malignant melanoma test tissue microarray, including 6 cases of malignant melanoma, 4 cores per case, arranged in 4x small square of array (2x3) for optimizing experimental conditions. TNM classification and Clinical stage information available. R 6 24 $55.00
MME242d Malignant melanoma and skin tissue microarray, containing 12 cases of malignant melanoma and 12 cases of cancer… 24 24 $55.00
MME481b Melanoma tissue microarray with adjacent normal skin tissue, containing 40 cases of malignant melanoma and 8 adjacent normal skin tissue, single core per case. TNM classification and Clinical s tage information available. Replacing ME481a. 48 48 $140.00
MME481d Malignant melanoma tissue microarray with normal adjacent skin tissue, containing 40 cases of malignant melanoma and 8 cases of normal adjacent tissue, single core per case. TNM classification and Clinical stage information available. 48 48 $170.00
MME482b Malignant melanoma microarray, containing 24 cases of malignant melanoma, 9 cases NATs, 15 cases of normal skin tissue… 48 48 $170.00
MME802 Malignant melanoma with normal tissue microarray, containing 32 cases of malignant melanoma and 8 cases of normal Normal Skin Tissues, 2 cores per case 40 80 $255.00
MME961 Malignant melanoma, metastatic malignant melanoma, and nevus tissue microarray, single core per case TNM classification… 96 96 $295.00
MME981 Malignant melanoma, metastatic malignant melanoma, and nevus tissue microarray, single core per case. TNM… 98 98 $295.00
MME981a Malignant melanoma, metastatic malignant melanoma, and nevus tissue microarray. single core per case. TNM classification, Clinical stage information available. 98 98 $295.00
SK244b Age grouped female skin tissue microarray, containing 12 cases of skin tissue (3 cases of fetal tissue and 9 cases of adult tissue), 2 cores per case. Replacing SK244a. 12 24 $225.00
SK961 Skin squamous cell carcinoma tissue microarray, 2 cores per case (duplicated cores from the same patient were put onto upper and lower rows in the same position). Pathology grade, TNM Classification, and Clinical Stages information available. 48 96 $215.00
SKI501 Skin carcinoma with normal skin tissue (2018 WHO Classification), single core per case. Pathology grade, TNM… 50 50 $135.00
SKI502 Skin carcinoma with normal skin tissue (2018 WHO Classification), 2 cores per case. Pathology grade, TNM Classification and Clinical Stages (AJCC7th edition) information available. 25 50 $135.00
SKI504 Skin basal cell carcinoma with skin tissue microarray, containing 41 cases of basal cell carcinoma, 9 cases of normal skin tissue, single core per case. TNM Classification, and Clinical Stages (AJCC7th edition) information available. 50 50 $135.00
T382d Malignant melanoma microarray with skin tissue, containing 10 cases of malignant melanoma and 2 cases of normal skin tissue, 2 cores per case. TNM Classification and Clinical Stages information available. Replacing T382c. 12 24 $55.00
T383b Malignant melanoma with normal skin tissue test microarray, 4 cores per case, divided into two identical 12 core arrays for testing different antibody dilutions. TNM Classification and Clinical Stages information available. Replacing T383a. 6 24 $55.00
TMA-120 Malignant melanoma tissue microarray with skin tissue, containing 45 cases of malignant melanoma, 5 cases of normal skin tissue, 2 core per case. 50 100 $255.00